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Awana Clubs

Awana Club is a children’s mid-week program with games, worship, teaching and verse memorization. Wednesday nights from 6:00pm-7:300pm starting on August 17th and will continue until mid-March 2023. Pre-K through 12th grade May attend. Invite your friends!

Clubs in Willcox

What happens at club?


Greetings, Pledges, Club Songs and Songs of Worship. 

game time

Packed with exciting games in the "Awana Circle" that include both team and individual competition. 


Bible lessons tailored for each age group about the Lord and his great love for us! 

Small group

Time to discuss the Bible lesson, build friendships, recite weekly memory verses and discuss more in depth what it all means with the Small Group Leader.

Closing Ceremonies

Wrap up the night with songs of worship and reminders for the week.

Registration Information

Kick off night is on August 17th! Register your student in advance online, or bring your registration forms with you. Club will start promptly at 6:00 in the Sanctuary after students are checked in in the foyer. All students must be checked in and out by their parent/guardian each week. 

Awana Registration

Safety Information

We know how much safety matters to you! All of our volunteers must have a current background check prior to serving with Awana Clubs. We will require that students be checked in and out of club in the foyer by their parent/guardian. Thank you for your understanding!

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